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Podcast Appreciation Week begins on Comic Book Central with the man behind the world’s #1 Indiana Jones fan podcast, The IndyCast, Ed Dolista! Ed swings into the Lair to talk about how he started podcasting about the famed fictional archaeologist/adventurer. And you’ll find out about his latest pop culture journey, Mitch and Ed’s Excellent Adventure!
Images TM & copyright © Ed Dolista
The IndyCast
Mitch and Ed’s Excellent Adventure
Stuff you heard on the show:
The Batcave Podcast
The OSI Files
Superboy: The Legacy Podcast
CapedWonder Superman Podcast
Tags: celebrity, comic book central, comic books, comics, Ed Dolista, indiana jones, IndyCast, joe stuber, Mitch And Eds Excellent Adventure, movies, podcast, pop culture, Superheroes, television