Posts Tagged ‘Daniel Peretti’

Comic Book Central at the 40th anniversary of the Superman Celebration! I’m joined by Krypton stars Blake Ritson and Shaun Sipos, Superman: The Movie’s Aaron Smolinski, official Metropolis Superman Josh Boultinghouse, authors Michael Eury and Daniel Peretti, artist Jon Pinto, Caped Wonder’s Jim Bowers, Steve Younis from the Superman Homepage, and Sam Rizzo from the Superboy Homepage!
Superman Celebration
Super Museum
Krypton on SyFy
Blake Ritson on Twitter
Shaun Sipos on Twitter
Aaron Smolinski on Twitter
Joshua Boultinghouse on Facebook
Superman In Myth and Folklore
Jon Pinto Online
Caped Wonder
Superman Homepage
Superboy Homepage

Stuff you heard on the show:

Flash Gordon Minute Podcast
The IndyCast

Date: June 23, 2018

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